Networks Mentoring Programme
The Networks Mentoring Programme has been created to support emerging digital leaders seeking personal growth in CNIO, CCIO, CIO or equivalent roles, or those in these roles that need ‘refuge’ or supervision.
The mentoring will be carried out by the CNIO, CCIO and Health CIO Advisory Panel members who are passionate about supporting the next generation of digital leaders, and believe this is a great way in which to help grow and develop the digital health community.
Our next mentoring programme will commence in January 2025 and we will open for applications in the autumn.

The offer
This is a virtual group mentoring programme which takes place over the duration of 6 months, and is facilitated by each Advisory Panel. There will be 3 mentoring programmes running concurrently for those looking to further their careers in CNIO, CCIO and Health CIO roles or similar.
Places are limited and 1 member of the advisory panel will facilitate a number of mentees each month over this period (the number of mentees per group is dependent on the number of applications received).
The mentoring programme is structured as follows:
- 1 x 30-minute individual introductory with each successful mentee to gauge current development needs to be addressed as part of the programme.
- 6 x 60-minute group sessions which will follow a set structure of pre-planned session themes, to ensure that all mentees receive the same standard of mentoring.
If additional support can be offered in addition to the above, this will be at the discretion of the mentor and their availability.

- An independent digital mentoring progamme
- Supports emerging digital leaders seeking growth
- Creates a pipeline of talent for the next generation of CCIO, CIO, CNIOs
- Provides exposure to senior leaders within the NHS, their experience, guidance and support
- Provides an opportunity for peer-to-peer learning as well as mentor to mentee advice and guidance
- Increases the networks and connections of emerging digital leaders
- Provides exposure to other opportunities to further career development; both within Trust and externally

The Process
Preparation phase
- Online application requesting personal details and applicant’s requirements of the mentoring programme.
- Review and matching process carried out by the Chair & Vice Chairs per Advisory Panel whilst screening against set criteria.
Delivery phase
- Individual 1:1 meeting to discuss application and current development needs of 30 minutes.
- 6 x themed group mentoring sessions of 60 minutes.
Evaluation and monitoring phase
- A short questionnaire to both mentees and mentors will be sent after the mentoring programme has taken place to gauge impact.

The review and matching process will be carried out by the Chair & Vice Chairs per Advisory Panel to screen against following criteria:
- Aspiring to the roles of CCIO, CNIO or CIO, or related/similar roles.
- UK-based (due to mentors working within the UK NHS)
- Realistic expectations taken from application
- Support and agreement obtained from employer
- Priority will be given to those that are not currently undertaking any other mentoring opportunities or leadership development opportunities
- Digital should be within personal development plan and on the current career pathway